
A Guide to A Protein-Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF)

19.03.18 10:11 PM By KellyPaulWI94

Many different diets and eating habits have become very popular recently. Diets which contain high proteins have become very common because of their effectiveness and the protein-sparing modified fast having no exception. A protein-sparing modified fast is a diet which contains little calories which have the objective of assisting you in losing a lot of weight fast. The diet's main goal which is referred to as protein-sparing is to maintain the muscle mass as one loses fat in the body.  The diet, which was started in the nineteen-seventies, has been of help especially for people who have severe obesity in helping them shed some weight. Protein-sparing also refers to many varieties of low-calorie diets which are consumed without the need for any medical supervision. A protein-sparing modified fast usually has two phases which include the first phase - intensive, which lasts between four and six months and involves one avoiding calories severely. Read more about LGD 4033.

The second phase - refeeding, lasts between six to eight weeks which involves a gradual increase of calories to the body to a more regular level. When one is in the intensive phase, the PSMF diet should consist of less than 800 calories each day. The calories which are recommended are from lean protein foods such as egg whites, chicken, fish or tofu. A patient who prefers clinically supervised PSMF get one point to or one point five grams of protein per each kilogram of their goal body weight each day. In the diet, one is allowed only twenty to fifty grams of carbohydrates daily which can be equated to two slices of bread or three pieces of fruit. Fat is supposed to be included in the proteins that one takes in each day and you should not add any fats such as spreads, oils, and dressings. For more info visit

The intensive phase of a PSMF should be done continuously for not more than six months because of the number of calories that one should consume in that period. In the refeeding phase, there is adding back of calories from carbohydrates and fats in small portions and reduction of proteins. The levels of carbohydrates are increased up to forty-five grams in the first month and ninety grams in the second one. The protein which is taken daily is reduced by forty grams each month. In this phase, there is no particular level of calorie because they will increase naturally as you add carbohydrates and fats in the body. During this phase, you are allowed to have protein foods, fruits, vegetables, low-fat foods and high fiber cereals.